23 december 2011

24 days of Christmas #23 Santa


Today a quicky, I wasted a lot of time
trying to fix IntenseDebate.
I failed :-(

Todays theme is "Santa"

* Base and topcoat.
* Gosh Ocean.
* Kleancolor Sparkle Emerald.
* White acrylic paint.
* Toothbrush.
*  Water decals.

I hope you liked this quick nailart.
Tomorrows theme is "Favorite manicure"

Also doing this challenge:

Thanks for stopping by,
hope to see you tomorrow.

xox Shannara xox

11 opmerkingen:

  1. EEEEEeeee this is so pretty, and oh so CUTE!! :D Wonderful!!

  2. Thanks for the comment!! This is great,, are these your own nails btw? Soo long.. x

  3. As usual, that is really cute! Where do you get those water decals?

  4. Wat een leuke nailart zeg! Maar waar heb je precies die tandenborstel voor gebruikt??

  5. What did you use a toothbrush for on this design? It's really cute, I especially love the snowing background!

  6. Thxxxx :-)

    @Sabine also on Ebay

    @Sylvia om de sneeuw te maken met de acryl verf

    @ScarsLikeLace to make the snow
    with the acrylic paint.

  7. I feel so bad that I couldn't help you fix intense debate! But this mani is pretty!

  8. Gorgeous!! I can't describe how cute santa is!


Bedankt voor je bezoek en je comment.

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See you soon!